Weekly links for 2019-12-24

PEP 484 -- Type Hints
This PEP introduces a provisional module to provide these standard definitions and tools, along with some conventions for situations where annotations are not available
Programming Language Foundations in Agda
This book is an introduction to programming language theory using the proof assistant Agda.
utterances 🔮
A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues. Use GitHub issues for blog comments, wiki pages and more!
cyrus-/relit: Hygienic typed literal macros (TLMs) for Reason
Reason, following OCaml, builds in literal notation for only a few common data structures, e.g. list literals like [x, y, z], array literals like [|x, y, z|], and JSX literals, which support an extension of HTML notation. This approach is unsatisfying because there are many other possible data structures for which literal notation might be useful, e.g. for finite maps, regular expressions, SQL queries, syntax tree representations, and chemical structures expressed using SMILES notation, to name just a few possibilities.
AdrianSchneider/jsonfui: jsonfui is an interactive command-line JSON viewer.

jsonfui is an interactive command-line JSON viewer. Examples